Thursday, June 20, 2024

Thursday Recap, Inspiration, and a FREEBIE

Thursday, that day that isn't the middle of the week, not quite the weekend, and for me at this moment, makes me ask "What day is it?"  Poor Thursday.  So, I'm thinking, I need to find something during these next 5 weeks of Summer to mark Thursday as a uniquely different day.  Something that will give it an identity all of it's own.  Yeah, maybe I shouldn't go down that rabbit trail today.  Ha!  If you have any suggestions, leave them in the comments!

Connie's June 2024 Template Bundle is on sale and with it, you get 16 quick starts to your next set of layouts for $5.99!

June 2024 Template Bundle

Are you looking for a refreshing seaside kit?  Check our Paint Chips: Coastal Blue!

Today is the final day of the June 2024 Bake Sale at Ginger Scraps.  If you are looking for more general use, everyday happening, and a treasure trove of elements, picking up the #2022 June Collection for just $1.50 should fulfill that need perfectly!

#2022 June - Kit | Word Art | Templates

What will you make today? I want to play around with the brush challenge over at Ginger Scraps. Before I do that, I want to go take some photos of my current house plant collection. I'm on a quest to pot some cuttings/plant starts that I have been given lately and get them firmly established before I move them to my new classroom at the beginning of August. I look forward to seeing what you get creative with!

CTM Theresa created this wonderful Quick Page Freebie for you with Connie's #2024 June collection. To download, just click on the preview or link below.


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