Friday, June 21, 2024

Summer Vibes {NEW}!

 Summer has officially began and Connie is kicking it off with her brand new Summer Vibes collection!

Those vibrant colors and fun elements will have you scrapping all your summer fun in style!  Here's a closer look at the packs available in this awesome bundle.

I can't wait to see what all of you create with this collection!  So much fun!  

I didn't wind up taking photos or scrapping yesterday.  That's on my plans for today along with repotting a few spider/airplane plants.  I purchased a large hanging one a couple weeks ago and it's not doing so well.  It was hanging where a lot of rain water soaked into the soil and it's never dried out.  I'm hoping I can save it by dumping out all the soil and basically starting it over.  A friend of mine gave me a couple of small propagations of a spider plant she had and I need to get them into regular pots today.  I haven't had the best luck with these plants in the past. I'm just crossing my fingers that I can get these to find their happy place!

Here is your freebie for stopping by the blog today.  This Quick Page Freebie from Theresa was made with today's new release collection, Summer Vibes.

Have a splendid weekend!
