Friday, June 14, 2024

New Release Friday! + FREEBIE

 Sorry for the delay in getting today's post out.  After taking care of my mom who has pneumonia, I apparently got hit by some of the same buggy germs.  It hit hard a fast yesterday and I feel awful.  This respiratory junk can take a hike any moment now and I'd be thrilled.  It attacked at a really crummy time too, not that there is a good time for being sick.  My oldest daughter and her boyfriend drove in yesterday and I've been cooped up away from everyone.  

I'm going to get this post together and then head back to bed.  So let's look at today's new releases from Connie.  First up is the June 2024 Template Bundle!  16 brand new templates for $5.99!  These templates are the perfect jumping off spot for your next project!

Here are all four packs that you'll get in this bundle.

A few of those layouts were made with today's new kit release, Paint Chips: Coastal Blue.  This beachy coastal loving kit screams Summer fun to me, what does it say to you?

Paint Chips: Coastal Blue

I'll be honest, I was initially drawn to the blues and greens in this collection, with the blues capturing my attention first but I love that some of Connie's CT were drawn more to the corals in this kit! What caught your eye first?

That's going to do it for me today. My head is starting to really complain so I'm off to lay back down and rest my eyes and head, though it is slightly easier to breath sitting up, so maybe I'll rest here in the chair instead. Have a great weekend adventure, stay healthy, and enjoy life! Here is your freebie for today, it's a cluster frame that CTM Theresa created with Paint Chips: Coastal Blue!


1 comment:

Tracey said...

So sorry to hear that you are unwell Susan. Hope you recover quickly and enjoy time with your daughter.