Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Mega Take $2 Tuesday @ Ginger Scraps and More

Hi all you fabulous Connie Prince fans!  It feels like it's been a while since I got to interact with all of you.  Last week was a doozey but it had some really great moments in the middle of all the "doozey."  Unfortunately the end of the week saw me having to drive 6 hours back in pouring rain feeling like my head was going to explode with the sinus congestion that I was trying to fight off all during my trip.  Sunday saw me flat out down for the count.  I was feeling better by Monday morning and went on back to work but I feel the exhaustion catching up with me so I'm going to get this post together and call it a night.  I need to bring my A game to work tomorrow, no one has time to feel sick at the moment!

So let's see what's up with Connie in digiland!  First up is a MEGA Take $2 Tuesday sale at Ginger Scraps.  There are six kits on sale instead of just two!

Pool PartyBeach Party 

Two of these kits are on sale for $2 each at My Memories today and tomorrow as well. 

Here are some layouts from Connie's CT showing off Refresh and #2023 February.

Connie also has a couple of recent releases that are sure to be hits in your scrapping stash.  Paint Chips: Resolution Blue is a wonderful general use kit that just calls for blue jeans and relaxing days.

Combine any of Connie's kits with her fantastic templates and you'll be rocking out layouts that bring a smile to all that see them in no time at all!

That's it from me today but I'll be back later in the week with a round up of all this week's goodies.  Until then, here is a sweet cluster freebie with a tag that CTM Deb R created with #2024 February.  Enjoy!



Anonymous said...

Wow... I have never gotten this message before.. but when I tried to download the freebie today.. this was the message I got.. "Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time.

Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator."

That is so weird!! I guess I will keep trying. Thanks in advance for the gift!

Anonymous said...

I'm getting the same as above... Thanks in advance of getting it fixed.

Anonymous said...

I am also getting that message

Anonymous said...

I was the top/first post .. and just wanted to come back and say that the download worked for me now.. and issue seems to be resolved!! Thank you

Anonymous said...

Yes, working fine now

Susan said...

I have no idea what that message was about. It's a new one for me too. I'm sorry for anyone who had issues but it seems like it's been resolved on its own. Technology, love it when it works but spend other parts of life wondering why it acts so finicky at times.