Sunday, January 14, 2024

Just a Thought + FREEBIE

Connie Fans, I hope you are all staying warm today.  Most of the USA is dealing with Artic temps and for those of us who live in states not use to this type of cold, we're pretty miserable.  I don't know how all of you who live where temps like this are normal stand it!  Getting to stay inside and scrap makes this a little more bearable.

Connie just released a new addition to the Paint Chips series and the January 2024 Template Bundle and I have some more inspiration from her Creative Team using both to share with you today.

Paint Chips: Barossa Grape has vintage purple wrapped up in a pretty package!

This kit is begging you to create gorgeous clusters and so much more. Mix it with the January 2024 Template Bundle and you'll have a layout that you love in no time!

I hope you can find time this week to be creative!  For your freebie today I have a sweet cluster from CTM Deb that she made with #2023 September.  Enjoy!

Have a spectacular Sunday!


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