Monday, January 15, 2024

Happy Monday + Our Blog Game Winner!

 Good Monday morning!  How was your weekend?  It was a rather dreary one weather wise here, but not not really cold so I am not going to complain.  I finally got most of the Christmas taken down and put away, I still need to take the larger tree in our family room down.  I'll need some help with that one!

Debbi was our blog game winner this week - congratulations Debbi!  I've sent an email to you with your prize.  I'll see everyone back on Wednesday for the next game!

The January 2024 Bake Sale starts today at Ginger Scraps!

January 2024 Template Bundle 
Available at Ginger Scraps

Paint Chips: Barossa Grape - Kit 
Available at Ginger Scraps & My Memories
Today's free gift was created by Deb!

Have a fantastic week!


1 comment:

Debra Haagen said...

Thank you so much! I'm so excited!