Friday, September 22, 2023

Autumn Equinox {NEW}

And another Thursday slipped past me.  I promise I'll get my act together one of these days. It has been hard to get into a good routine this school year.  I'm not sure what it is that is so different but I'm hoping to find that balance soon because I need it.

Connie has a warm, cozy, and adorable kit that releases today just in time to celebrate all things Autumn!

The cuteness factor is high with this collection and I look forward to seeing all your amazing layouts that you create with it in Connie's galleries soon!  I'm going to cut out quick today. We have a nearly three hour drive as soon as school gets out to make it in time to help with half-time at tonight's football game.  We figure most parents won't make the trip so it's an all hands on deck type of night.  Thankfully our Saturday is free this weekend so once we get all the kids back home we can possibly sleep in. My poor husband has the worst part of the deal because knowing me, I'll pass out in the car on the way there or definitely on the way back.  Pitch dark, car ride, tired from a long day equals a recipe for me falling asleep instead of navigating.  Good thing he doesn't need me for that and he likes driving.

I'll leave you with this adorable cluster freebie from CTM Kelly made with Outdoors:Swamp.


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