Thursday, December 31, 2020

Last post of 2020 + FREEBIE

Happy New Year's Eve!  This day always reminds me that we live in a cycle of beginnings and endings.  All of us on Connie's team and Connie wish for you all the best in the year to come. 

Connie is ending out 2020 with a storewide sale at Ginger Scraps!

North Meets South Studio has this beautiful #2021 January: Faithfulness collection on sale for one more day!


While we don't see a lot of the Winter precipitation where I live, this collection from Connie can be used for so many lovely layouts off topic that I couldn't resist adding it to my scrapping toolbox.  Have you checked it out?

I love how Lorraine used the small diamond shaped behind her photo and then strategically used buttons on a couple of them on that last layout and that it shows off the versatility of this collection.  That's exactly why I picked this kit up.  I can see some cards getting made out of this kit in my future.  

Maybe later on today I'll get a blast of inspiration to get something put together. My stash of "just because" cards at work is depleted.  What are "just because" cards?  Over the past year, myself and a few other fellow teachers, have been leaving small notes of encouragement for the teachers around our building.  Sometimes it's a "thinking about you" type of thing, sometimes it's a thank you, sometimes it's a "hang in there, you've got this" moment.  I've been on the receiving end of a few of them myself and they've always come at a moment where I really needed a reminder of my "why."  Did I cry?  Yes!  Every single time.  It was like getting a hug that was so desperately needed at that moment.  It's those little things that sometimes keep us all going.

That's all I have to round out this last post of 2020.  Oh!  Except for your freebie!  No, I didn't really forget but it added a bit of drama to the post for a second.  :)  I really do hope you all end this year with a smile.  Where ever you are, know this, we love you.  You are important to us.  You are amazing and we look forward to spending 2021 sharing memories together with you.

Deanna made this lovely quick page that I forgot to share before Christmas with you.  Enjoy!

Love from all of us with Connie Prince


Linda P said...

Happy New Year ! Ok, reading about your cards of encouragement brought tears to my eyes. I like that idea and may work on some myself. It would be great to have a stash that i could use as soon as I saw a need! Thanks for the idea. Linda

Susan said...

You are so welcome! I just wrapped up working on lesson plans for next week so hopefully now I can get busy on the card project. I'm going to work on a set to pull from for my students as well. I would love to see your card fronts if you get some made and I'll be sharing mine as freebies as well.