Sunday, March 23, 2025

Paint Chips: Golden Spring + FREEBIE Sunday

 Hello everybody!  This week is going to be a super busy one for me so I'm apologizing in advance if a post gets missed this week or something goes wonky and it doesn't get fixed until next week.  One of my choirs is going to competition in a little over a week and there is a ton of paperwork and preparation in addition to extra rehearsals that has to be done, another choir is having two nights of rehearsals and a full day Saturday event, and my daughter will be performing in her last colorguard competition next weekend as well.  So, I'm going to be out of pocket all week.

Enough about me.  Let's look at Connie's newest kit, Paint Chips: Golden Spring.  I love the colors and theme of this kit.  Connie is speaking my heart language with the elements in this one.  Flowers, blooms, seeds, plants, and a gorgeous butterfly, um yes, please!

Today's freebie is a pretty cluster from CTM Kelly that was made with Paint Chips: Golden Sprring!

Have a splendid Sunday!


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