Saturday, March 15, 2025

Check out the Ginger Scraps Bake Sale

 Susan here bringing you another lovely moment with one of Connie's fabulous kits.  This time we're jumping into the March 2025 Bake Sale happening over at Ginger Scraps and Connie has #2023 March in the sale!

#2023 March - Kit | Templates | Quick Pages

Connie is also retiring some products to make room in stores for upcoming new releases. Check your stash and don't miss out on adding these into your collection before they are put into the vault!

Ginger Scraps:

Mirror Mirror | Dance The Night Away | Best Concert Ever 

Winter Sports | Happiness Is... | Sorrow 

My Memories:

I'm off to possibly do a bit of plant retail therapy. I potted up a bunch of plants this week while on Spring Break and even though I added to my collection, I have a few plants that I'm on the hunt for and my plant dealer (aka a person who sells me plants but who has become a good friend in the process) has a cutting and small starter plant set aside for me to pick up today. We shall see what i get myself into!

Before you head off into your Saturday adventures, here is a precious cluster freebie from CTM Kelly created with Sugar & Spice. Enjoy!


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