Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Take $2 Tuesday & Wednesday Sale

 This week's kits in the Take $2 Tuesday & Wednesday Sale are a couple of my favorites in Connie's stores.  Check out these two kits and make sure you don't already have them in your stash.  You can pick them up for only $2 each today or tomorrow.

Ginger Scraps 

My Memories 

Prickly Layouts

Paint Chips: Garnet Layouts

Are you looking for an adorably sweet collection to help you tell all your February #2025 stories?  Check out #2025 February!

I love this new baby boy themed collection from Connie!  Perfect timing as I needed a kit to make up a few baby shower cards for some co-workers.  Have you checked this kit out?

CTM Kelly created this pair of clusters that have been begging to be shared with you as a freebie.  You can download them by clicking on the preview or link below.  Enjoy!

Have a wonderful Tuesday!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cuteness overload!