Thursday, September 5, 2024

Thursday Thoughts + FREEBIE

 Thursday has made it's way round again and with it my thoughts are pretty, well, jumbled.  Some weeks feel like they have extra days crammed in there somehow and this week is one of them.  It's okay though!  We've had a little bit of reprieve from the triple digit temps and it's been really nice to see a hint of cooler weather.  Well, by cooler I mean in the 80s but that's a lot better than the other!

Connie has had a kit on sale this week that is perfect for all those fall-vibes!  Did you check out #2024 September?

Are you looking for an adorable collection with precious forest animals?  Check out this month's Ginger Scraps Buffet Sale kit - Forest Friends! By the way, I apologize for the spelling error that I've apparently been making all week.  I don't know why I had an extra "r" in Forest all week long.  Seriously!  Spell check let me down in my sleep deprived state.

For your freebie today, here is a sweet little cluster from CTM Theresa that she created with Forest Friends.

See you tomorrow with a look at something new from Connie to kick off your weekend!



Anonymous said...

So Cut Thanks!

Anonymous said...
