Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sneak Peek Sunday

Good morning to all you Connie Prince fans!  Thanks for stopping by the blog today to check out what Connie has coming our way soon.

I feel like I'm getting a peek into Fall being on its way!  Here in the north part of Texas, we won't see Fall for at least another month or two.  We did get a small reprieve Friday night for a few hours where the temps dropped into the 80s but it popped right back to triple digits on Saturday.  It definitely doesn't feel like Fall at the moment.  How about where you are?  Are you looking forward to cooling temperatures?

Here is a look at Connie's newest release, In Concert!

I hope you have a fabulous Sunday and be sure to check out the blog each day this week to see what Connie has going on.  Before I finish up with today's freebie, I just want to remind everyone that the freebies are only available for a short period of time, usually only a week or two.  After that they are deleted off the server to make room for more freebies.  I don't keep the files once I've uploaded them on Connie's server and have no way of retrieving them. Requests to "share" older freebies will not be fulfilled. I'm sorry about that but I just can't provide that service and keep up with my everyday tasks.

Enough about that, here is a fun cluster frame and bonus cluster from CTM Theresa that she created with Pool Party!


1 comment:

Gail M said...

Thank you for the pretty clusters.