Thursday, February 8, 2024

Exclusive store collections and a FREEBIE

 Today brings one last look at the exclusive collections at both My Memories and Ginger Scraps.  First up is Kiss The Cook at My Memories which is a delicious as all the memories that you'll be scrapping with it!

The second exclusive collection can be found at Ginger Scraps and it's absolutely precious!  Check out Sugar & Spice and be thinking of all the adorable photos that you want to scrap with this kit and more.

Your layouts don't have to just be about adorable human offspring.  Take a look at this sweet layout with one of Connie's Creative Team member's pampered fur-baby!

I'm away from my computer for the next few days at a music teacher conference but that doesn't stop the goodies from coming your way from Connie's team.  Kelly created this cluster freebie for you using Outdoors: Hunting.  Enjoy and I'll catch up with everyone later!


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