Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Win It Wednesday!

   The Rules:

1. Answer the question.

2. Email your answers to Use Blog Game for the subject.

3. All entries will be entered into a randomizer and 1 person will win a gift certificate to Connie's store.

4.  Entries will be accepted until Saturday at midnight ET (note this has changed)

 Riddle Time!
 What has a neck, but no head?


This week's new collection is Cute Critters: Penguins! 
The BUNDLE is 50% off or the individual packs are 40% off through January 25!

Available at Ginger Scraps & My Memories
We are having our annual "Out With The Old" Retiring Products Sale at Ginger Scraps!
Today's free gift was created by Kelly!
Have an amazing day!


Anonymous said...

Thank you .. but this is the SAME cluster you gave us on January 21st.. because the wrong item was in the zip folder that day... and we are still missing the the cute critters polar bears cluster that was suppose to be in the zip on January 21st. Can we get that one now? :)

Susan said...

I will go back and look to see what may have gotten crossed. I'm at home today from work after being in the ER with my mom until 3 am this morning. Please be patient as I try to unravel what I mixed up in the process of zipping up the freebies. Thank you for letting me know that there was a mistake. ~Susan~

Susan said...

Okay, the link on today's freebie is the correct one for the freebie shown on today's post. The link on the Jan. 21st freebie was incorrect, probably happened when I copied and pasted from when I shortened the link. I'll work on getting the correct link posted on the Jan 21st post for the Cute Critters freebie and then I'll also make another quick post with the information.