Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Win It Wednesday 1/10/24

 It's Wednesday & that means time for a new blog game! 
I look forward to seeing your answers in my inbox this week!

   The Rules:

1. Answer the question.

2. Email your answers to Use Blog Game for the subject.

3. All entries will be entered into a randomizer and 1 person will win a gift certificate to Connie's store.

4.  Entries will be accepted until Saturday at midnight ET (note this has changed)

 A Brain Teaser!

In my hand I have two coins that are newly minted.
Together, they total 30 cents. One isn’t a nickel.
What are the coins?

New this week - Picture Perfect - on sale 50% off!

My Memories

 Today's free gift was created by Deb!

Download Here

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