Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Take $2 Tuesday (and Wednesday) Sale

Welcome to the next Take Tuesday & Wednesday Sale!  Which two kits are in this week's sale bin?

Ginger Scraps: 

Outdoors: Hunting | #2023 January 

My Memories: 

CT Layouts with Outdoors: Hunting

CT Layouts with #2023 January

Rugged/strong or pretty/gentle  which collection will make it into your scrapping stash today?

Another awesome sale that can help you stretch your scrapping budget, especially if you are new to Connie's designs or may be missing a collection or two, is the Ginger Scraps Bake Sale.  The January 2024 Bake Sale has Connie's #2022 January kit, word art, and template packs on sale for $1.50 each.  Even though there are a few elements in the kit and word art that say 2022, there are plenty of other elements to make this worth adding to your scrapping toolkit!

#2022 January - Kit | Word Art | Templates

Have you had an opportunity to check out the newest addition to Connie's Paint Chips series of kits? This one has vineyard written all over it plus so much more!

For a winning combination that you can return to over and over again, combine any of Connie's kits with her templates! New to using templates? Check out the January 2024 Template Bundle to get a huge savings on four different template packs where you can try them out over and over!

That's all I have for today's news from Connie.  Thank you for stopping by the blog today and spending a little time with us!  Just for being a fan and taking time to visit, CTM Theresa created this fun quick page freebie for you!

See you later!


1 comment:

Liz in TX said...

So cute, as always, Theresa!