Thursday, June 29, 2023

Soar and a FREEBIE

Many of you are soaring into Summer and I love getting to see glimpses of your fun-filled days through the layouts you've been sharing in the galleries at Ginger Scraps.  You are so inspiring!  
Scrapbooking is all about recording our memories whether we're doing that just for ourselves or sharing them with others.  However, there is also something to be said about scrapbooking being a creative outlet for us as well.  I fall into both categories.  I started scrapbooking as a way to document life for my family.  I loved looking through photo albums with my family growing up but at the time, a lot of my family lived close by and it was easy to get together and hear the stories retold by those in the photos.  When I started scrapbooking, I was trying to capture that for my family because I had moved away and my close family unit of my husband and children no longer had those same opportunities as I did to connect in person with our extended family.  That's become even more so as now more of my family has moved away from where I grew up and now my husband and myself are entering the phase of life where we are the ones who hold the older memories of our family.  I'm feeling the need to journal more to preserve those memories because those stories are being lost to the passage of time and there aren't many of our parents' generation to talk to about our families' stories. 

I was thinking about this yesterday as different layouts started popping up in my "memories" on Facebook.  I was trying to read the journaling that I had done on a couple layouts of my youngest and realized that I couldn't see it well enough on the screen.  I need to pull out the EHD that I saved the layouts on and take a look.  I haven't had the layouts printed and I ought to do that.  My own kids haven't had the chance to flip through memory books like I did as a kid. Social media became our platform but even at that, I didn't share a lot of the layouts that had personal journaling on them for safety reasons and my kids haven't ever seen those.

I encourage you to include some journaling in your scrapbooking.  Whether you save those pages just for yourself, to share with family/loved ones, or you post them to share with a wider audience doesn't matter.  Journaling helps preserve your memories and stories and someday you'll look back and be thankful for those moments captured in time.

Are you looking for a fresh and inviting kit to capture some of your heartfelt moments?  Check out Soar!  Those butterflies are so pretty!  This kit can be used for many different subjects.  Take a look at some of Connie's Creative Team's layouts below to see how this kit can be used.  I love the rock-wall climbing layout and the ones with jets flying that show off how this kit can be used in unexpected ways.

I'll be back tomorrow with this week's new release.  I hope you have a fantastic Thursday and get to enjoy some time being creative!  As a "thank you" for taking time to stop by the blog today, here is a Quick Page Freebie from CTM Theresa created with Simpler Life.


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