Monday, May 1, 2023

New Month, New Game Winner and a FREEBIE!

It's May! 

Wow! we are a 3rd of the way through the year already! 

I had a wonderful weekend with a friend visiting, a crawfish boil and then discovering our neighbors are awesome! We spent the afternoon at my neighbor's house swimming and drinking wine. Then reality struck this morning. My middle son is home with the stomach plague going around. It sent my pregnant friend to the hospital last week. I am hoping it doesn't take down everyone in the family! 

Anna W woke up a winner in last week's blog game! She played our super simple game we post here on Wednesdays, and won! Now she has $10 to spend in Connie's store!!! Come back for another chance to win Wednesday! 


There's a new BUFFET Collection!!!! It's 50% off until the 5th!!! 

Exclusively at Gingerscraps! 

Also, make sure #2023 May is in your collection! 

 Ginger Scraps | My Memories


Theresa made you this quickpage! 

Get it here. 

I hope May is magical for you! 


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