Friday, August 19, 2022

Sports: Tennis + FREEBIE

Tennis has taken off as a favorite sport in our town.  It "almost" rivals soccer!  I love seeing all the posts about tennis tournaments and seeing my former students heading into the High School in the morning with their tennis racquets.  Do you have a rising tennis star in your life?  If you do, you are going to LOVE today's new release from Connie.

Here's a closer look at the individual packs in this collection.  I especially love the add on pack of the various uniforms and characters!  Connie really thought about how to make this collection work for everyone!


The Bake Sale over at Ginger Scraps has two more days.  If you are missing these products, this is the time to snag them!  You aren't ever going to be able to pick them up at a lower price.


I hope you have a fabulous weekend!  CTM Kelly made you another freebie that coordinates with the one from yesterday.  To download click on the preview or link below.

"Happiness is . . . not having to set the alarm for the next day."



lisar said...

i NEED a Sports BASKETBALL characters and uniforms!!!! i hope that's in the working!!!!

Susan said...

Lisar, Connie has a Sports: Basketball collection in stores with a uniform pack. Here's the link to that collection at Ginger Scraps:

I bet you could take the characters from the Sports: Tennis collection and put the uniforms from the Sports: Basketball collection on them! It would be work a shot!