Friday, December 11, 2020

December 2020 Template Bundle {NEW}

 Templates are some of my favorite scrapping tools.  Right now my scrapping time is at a premium so anything that can help me jumpstart a layout or project makes me happy.  I remember a time when I was learning all about digital scrapping where I was intimidated by templates.  Then a dear friend that I made in the community had a scrap and chat all about templates and I got hooked.  Clip a paper here, replace an element place holder there or create a cluster you love and replace a set of element place holders and before you know it you'll have a layout done!  Ready to give templates a try?  Picking up Connie's monthly template bundle is a great way to start!  You get 4 packs for nearly the price of one full pack and you get a wonderful variety!  Check out today's new release, the December 2020 Template Bundle!

Ginger Scraps | DSS

I love seeing Connie's templates being combined with her beautiful kits!  You can see how changing out the kit gets a different look with the same template when you check out the layouts from Connie's Creative Team!


Connie is bringing back her 12 Days of Christmas Sales!  Here is a list for you to save so you know what will be happening each day.


I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  I've heard that in typical Texas style the weather around here is going to go from Summer to Winter in the blink of an eye.  All I know for sure is the trees in my front yard just dumped a ton of leaves all over our Christmas decorations.  It's like Fall decided to make one last stand before Winter gets a turn.

Here is a sweet cluster freebie to get you started from CTM Deb R.!



1 comment:

Gala said...

Большое спасибо за прекрасный кластер!