Thursday, May 14, 2020

Paint Chips - Sizzling Purple!

Okay, the name of the kit is Paint Chips: Hot Purple but I've heard that the "h" word is causing some of you to miss out on seeing some of the amazing layouts from Connie's team.  This kit is stunning and if you like the color purple (or scrap about some who does) then this kit most definitely needs to find a home in your scrapping tool kit!


Templates are my best friend when it comes to getting layouts done.  My mind needs something to guide it to at least get started.  Connie makes fantastic templates and her Template Bundle each month is one of my "must haves."  Check out the May 2020 Template Bundle!


Stop by tomorrow to see what new release Connie has for you this week!


Live, Love, Laugh, and scrap about it!



marlah24 said...

Thanks so much.

Susan said...

You are so welcome, Marlah! Thanks for stopping by Connie's blog!