Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Take $2 Tuesday, February 25th, 2020

Tuesdays bring the Take $2 Tuesday Flash Sale straight to you each week.  I love that Connie helps us build our scrapping stashes (and let's be honest, helps us save a bunch on those kits we missed along the way).  Today's sale includes #2019 February and Flawsome!

Ginger Scraps


My Memories

#2019 February Layouts

Flawsome Layouts


Did you know that Connie puts her new releases on sale for 40% the first week unless they are a special collection (and those are already at a special price)?  You have a few days left to pick up the two newest kits in the new series "Paint Chips" while they are on sale.


Today's freebie is a pretty cluster frame that CTM Audrey created using Connie's new kit, "Paint Chips: Cerulean."  To download click on the preview or link below.  Enjoy!



Marla Hargadine said...


Susan said...

You are welcome, Marla! Thank you for stopping by the blog and leaving us a note!