Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Take $2 Tuesday Sale, #2019 December, & a FREEBIE

Today is Tuesday and that means that Connie has two of her fabulous kits on sale in the Take $2 Tuesday Sale Bin!  Which two kits made it this week?  Travelogue Ohio and Filled With Joy!

Ginger Scraps


My Memories

CT Layouts with Filled With Joy

CT layouts with Travelogue Ohio


Connie released the #2019 December last Thursday and it's beautiful!


If you have been visiting Club Connie Prince on Facebook you'll know that the free kit Wonderfall is about to be replaced with another fan freebie kit later this week.  Be sure to pick it up before it's gone!  I made this cluster frame freebie for you using the kit.  As a bonus, I included just the worn frame since I created it with one of the papers from the kit.  Enjoy!



Pam K said...

Thank you for the cluster frame!!

Susan said...

You are very welcome, Pam K. Thank you for stopping by the blog and leaving a message letting us know you liked it!