Friday, September 27, 2019

#2019 October {NEW} + FREEBIE

It's Friday and that means it's new release day!  Woot!  Connie has the next addition to the #2019 series and it's a Fall-tabulous collection.  Yes, I made that word up.  Yes, I'm keeping it as the description of this wonderful collection!

Here is a closer look at the packs in the bundle - please ignore the wrong label on the preview, I think we may have hit an overtired moment.

To add to this fantastic collection of fall fun, Connie has these four Add-On packs available.

Where can you pick up all these?

I love sharing creative inspiration from Connie's Creative Team.  Here are just a few of the amazing layouts that they made with #2019 October!


Today's blog freebie is a pretty quick page by CTM Deanna that she made with Farmhouse Fall.  To download click on the preview or link below.

Have a fantastic weekend!


Marla Hargadine said...

Thanks so much!

Susan said...

Thanks for stopping by, Marla!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thank you!

Priscilla said...

I love this!! Thank you.