Monday, March 11, 2019

Marvelous Monday Game Winner, sales and a freebie!

Happy Monday! 

I HATE the losing an hour to DST. It is the worst day of the year in my book and getting up today in the dark to put my son on the bus is the worst! But it only gets better from here! 

Congrats to Leslie P!!! She won Wednesday's blog game! Connie will be emailing her a $10 code shortly! If you want a chance to win a code to Connie's store, come back on Wednesday to play our super easy game!


Don't forget to pick up Connie's newest Travelogue series! Travelogue Alabama is on sale until Thursday!

If you have had your eye on a few of Connie's products, now its the time to get them! 


Deanna made you this quickpage using Snowflake Kisses 
Get it here

Have a great week!

1 comment:

Priscilla said...

I just love this, so pretty! Thank you.