Friday, February 8, 2019

Friday Fix.....

Have you ever had one of those moments when you goof up, didn't realize you goofed up, and then someone points it out to you and you feel rather sheepish?  Well, that's me today.  Good thing you all love me and Connie.  On Tuesday, I posted a freebie from Connie with the wrong preview.  The link took you to the correct freebie - the #2019 February Timeline Cover but the preview was the January preview.  I've corrected the preview and if you already clicked on the download link you already have the #2019 February Timeline Covers.  If you skipped the freebie because you were confused as to why in the world I would be giving away the January Timeline Covers (which you should already have from January) go back down to Tuesday's post and snag the freebie - it's really good, I promise!

I think I need sleep or more caffeine........

On to today's hopefully error free news.

Connie just released an addition to her Travelogue Series!  This time taking a journey to the proud state of Oklahoma.  I have many fond memories of the state of Oklahoma as I grew up on the border in the state of Arkansas.  I'm looking forward to scrapping a few of those memories with this collection.

Available at Ginger Scraps and DSS.

One of the awesome things about the Travelogue Series is that the kits are all made to work well together and are awesome for making "off topic" layouts as well as you can tell from the last layout above.  I hope you check out Travelogue Oklahoma and give it a try this weekend.

I'm praying that this "winter mix" that keeps getting some mention for tomorrow misses us in my area.  I don't like driving in that mess and we're suppose to head out right after school tomorrow to take our oldest for her College audition to get admitted into the music department.  She's already been accepted to the University so this is the next to last step.  Here's to traveling mercies tomorrow.

Ya'll be safe out there!  Here's your blog freebie for today, it's a rustic looking cluster frame that Deb made with Winter Cheer.  I love the way this turned out!


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