Friday, November 18, 2016

Flashback Friday

Happy Friday!  A few more hours and we can welcome in the weekend.  Why do some weeks seem to last longer than others?  It seems like Monday was eons ago!

Connie released Travelogue: Ohio yesterday.  Did you know that the first ambulance service was established in Ohio in 1865 or that the first traffic light in America went into use in 1914 in the city of Cleveland?  I love finding out random facts like those! 


Available at Ginger Scraps, Gotta Pixel, and The Digi Chick.

Father-teaching-Daughter2008cap_travelogueOHTemps1 copy 600 x 6002016 Project 52-p137cap_wildandfreetemps3 copy

This week’s Flashback Friday collection brings laughter and fun your way.  If you missed out on this kit when it first released this is the next best time to pick it up!


Ginger Scraps, Gotta Pixel, The Digi Chick

Connie is retiring several products at the end of the month.  Check the Retiring Product Sale before these are gone into the vault!


Available at Ginger Scraps and Gotta Pixel

Today’s freebie is a quick page by Deanna that she created with Connie’s kit, “My Journey.”  I hope you enjoy this elegant freebie!




Robinson Nest said...

this is gorgeous Deanna, thank you!

Mom said...

This is so pretty. Thank you!