Thursday, April 21, 2016

Travelogue {England edition}

Winner of the Sneak Peek is gbrinkley.  Congratulations!!

I’ve always wanted to travel across the “big pond” aka the Atlantic Ocean to visit England, Scotland, and Ireland.  Even though it doesn’t look like I will be doing that any time in the near future I can dream a little and make an awesome wish list/dream vacation using Connie’s newest addition to the Travelogue Series.  Take a look at Travelogue {England}!  The bundle pack has the main kit, templates, and word bits. 
Connie has these two sweet coordinating AddOn packs to help you tell your travel stories and more.cap_jene_travelogueenglandEPPcap_kw_travelogueenglandWAFP
You can find all this at Ginger Scraps, Gotta Pixel, and The Digi Chick.
Want to see this collection in action?  Take a look at these inspirational layouts from Connie’s team!b97q6cweb_djp332_Day3_cap_travelogueenglandtemps4_zpssxm63ee6cap-t-england-copyengland_zpsvos0irtj

Today’s freebie is a set of four ink bits that I created with #2016 April.  Enjoy your freebie and I’ll see you tomorrow!
Have a terrific Thursday!


Lana said...

Thank you again.

Anonymous said...

Thank you!! - Kat