Where can you get something totally amazing for only $2? In Connie Prince’s Take $2 Tuesday Sale! You can pick up either Universally Fun or Now I See for only $2 and all the coordinating add-on packs for only $1 each for today only! Both of the kits have a fun twist to them and you’ll be able to scrap many layouts with both!
Ginger Scraps
Universally Fun
Now I See
Gotta Pixel
Universally Fun
Now I See
The Digi Chick
Universally Fun
Now I See
Have you checked out the GGI Sale at Gotta Pixel? Connie has an adorable collection called Dog’s Life that will have your time with man’s best friend documented in style!

Making healthy lifestyle choices will keep you scrapping for many years to come and Connie has the best motivational kit on sale this week for the January 2016 Grab Bag! Check out Healthy Habits today at Ginger Scraps, Gotta Pixel, and The Digi Chick.
For today’s freebie I have a cheerful quick page by Deanna using Connie’s Cheers collection. Enjoy and have a spectacular Tuesday!
Thank you for this great quick page.
Thank you, Susan!
I just want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THESE AMAZING quickpaegs you just feed my digiscrapping soul. I've been an avid digi scrapper for years and lost all my programs and with the quick pages i can scrap in MS publisher it is perfect. Thank you for your time and generosity
Hi! I can't seem to download the QP. The link isn't working. :(
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