Friday, May 15, 2015

Sweet Inspriation

Today is the final day to pick up the “Smooth Seas” packs in the Gotta Grab It Sale at Gotta Pixel.  I’m hearing a jaunty sailor theme in my head?  How about you?  Actually the theme song from Gilligan’s Island just popped into my head! 


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If you’ve been around social media for the past year or so you’ve probably seen or taken part in the “crush” phenomenon and I’m not talking about Candy Crush.  I’m talking about Man Crush Monday and Woman Crush Wednesday.  Connie has two spectacular collections that take this to a whole new level.  You actually have 3 bundle options!  One with both collections, and then either collection.  Pick what you want.


Ginger Scraps
Gotta Pixel
The Digi Chick
Scrap Stacks

cap-mc-copy16805006403_ffa3b808a3_o2015 059 cap_crushing byfrance 600Meagan - April 2014_zpsg5aihj5v

I love the inspiration from Connie’s Creative Team with these outstanding collections!  I look forward to sharing even more inspiration with you over the next few days.  Have a wonderful Friday!!!


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