Ginger Scraps: goo.gl/DQK8T
Go Digital Scrapbooking: bit.ly/1n7Rl8o
Gotta Pixel: goo.gl/Ub2EC
Scrapbook-Bytes: goo.gl/AgR8s
My Memories: bit.ly/ZGmBzR
Go Digital Scrapbooking: bit.ly/1n7Rl8o
Gotta Pixel: goo.gl/Ub2EC
Scrapbook-Bytes: goo.gl/AgR8s
My Memories: bit.ly/ZGmBzR
So why title today’s post “Frightful Friday” instead of “Fantastic Friday?” Well, because of today’s new release, the October 2014 Grab Bag! While I don’t have the full reveal for you what I can show you is sure to be more of a treat! You can see the full reveal in the stores.
Of course these AddOn packs are amazing as well!
Gotta Pixel - bit.ly/1BCaYvs
Ginger Scraps - bit.ly/1vBh5PO
Scrapbook Bytes - bit.ly/1CHDxKs
Go Digital Scrapbooking - bit.ly/1n7Rl8o

Ginger Scraps - bit.ly/1vBh5PO
Scrapbook Bytes - bit.ly/1CHDxKs
Go Digital Scrapbooking - bit.ly/1n7Rl8o

Like what you see from the Creative Team? Check out even more in Connie’s galleries and in the stores!
You have a couple more days to snag the October Buffet Sale Collection on sale. It’s an adorable kit!

I’ve got to wrap this post up for today and what better way than with a freebie? Here’s a cluster frame using Fright Night. I put in two versions, one with shadows, and one with no bottom shadows. I hope you have a fabulous Friday!

Connie, this beautiful cluster frame is corrupted. I have tried numerous times in Firefox and explore. I am hoping you will fix and repost. Don't want to miss this freebie!
I feel like I am being ungrateful to even point this out. I love the freebies and I am heading right over to the sale, but this particular freebie will not unzip :-(
Thank you for letting us know.
We had really a really bad storm move through last night with power flickering off and on. I uploaded during one of the on times but the transfer must have gone wonky. I'm working on uploading the file once again and I'll let you all know when it's ready.
Okay, if someone wants to try the file again and let me know if it works for you that would be great. It's showing that everything is in there correctly now on my end. Happy freebie gathering.
Thanks! The link is working now and it's a lovely freebie.
Thank you for the beautiful cluster frame.! Kat
Fabulous frame cluster!! Thank you!!
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