I apologize for today's delayed post. I got up and it was such a beautiful day outside that I couldn't resist the pull to be outside potting up some of my propagated cuttings that have been begging to find their way into pots. It just dawned on me that I didn't pre-post any of this week's posts because I'm on Spring Break and had thought I'd have plenty of time to post as the week went on. Joke's on me, it's Thursday already!
Let's get on to taking one more look at the new quick page packs that Connie put into stores for this week.
Baby Girl Quick Pages
Baby Boy Quick Pages
I hope that all of you are having a beautiful week this week. I've enjoyed some time just being able to take time to enjoy the simple small things. We went to a botanical garden yesterday and got to spend time in a conservatory with butterflies that had been brought in for a special event and then toured through the gardens. Since it's not technically Spring yet and a couple weeks ago was the coldest week of the entire Winter, the gardens were just starting to some out of their Winter slumber. However, the weather was perfect and it was nice to just get away and enjoy being outside instead of couped up indoors.
I'm going to leave you with this pretty set of clusters that CTM Kelly created for you with Paint Chips: Calm Blue. Enjoy your freebie and I'll see you tomorrow!