Sunday, November 13, 2016

Sunday Sneak Peek

Connie has moved the Sneak Peek Contest to her Facebook Fan Group – Club Connie Prince.  In order to have a chance to win this week’s sneak peek be sure to head over there after reading today’s post to leave a comment on her post.  I’ll link the sneak peek up so when you click on it you’ll be taken to her Fan Group.  Another perk of being a member of her Facebook Fan Group is that you get exclusive new kits from Connie!  She’ll have a new one coming to the group soon!

On to this week’s sneak peek of what Connie will be releasing on Thursday!  Hmm…….. I wonder if you can place the collection series that this is a part of. 


Connie will be announcing the winner on the Facebook page as well, so make sure you check by there on Thursday.

I spent about an hour this morning helping my youngest daughter finish up her “Family Turkey Project” for school.  The mission was to disguise the turkey in order to save it from becoming Thanksgiving Dinner.  Well…. let’s just say, this missionk, a la Rachel style involved copious amounts of glitter.  The project reminded me exactly why I love digital scrapbooking and never could get into paper scrapping.  I am sure there are much better ways to attach cotton balls covered in glitter to a paper turkey than to use liquid glue but we had to use what we had on hand.  Bwahaha!!!!!!

I had started today’s post before the project (actually before my daughter even woke up) but one thing lead to another and I’m just getting back to finish up today’s post.  I created this Facebook Timeline with My Journey for your freebie for today.  To download click on the preview below or the link.  I’ll see you all back here on Tuesday for the Take $2 Tuesday post.  Enjoy!





JustMeAM said...

LOVE today's FB Cover! Thank you so much:)

Susan said...

You are so welcome, Angela! Glad you love it! I'm planning on making a few to share with other collections as well so keep an eye on the blog for more.