Thursday, May 21, 2015

New Release: Project 2015: June and a Sweet Freebie

I have been over the moon excited each month when Connie introduces her next part of the Project 2015 series and this month is no exception.  If you like steampunk then you’ll love this month’s contribution!  I am going to apologize up front for the lack of links directly to the products.  I’m putting this together on Wednesday night (before the products go live in the stores) and the links aren’t ready.  I promise you that you’ll be able to find these awesome products in Connie’s stores though!  You can get the main packs in a Mega Stash Bundle and the Art Journal packs in a separate bundle.  Then there are addon packs as well.  Don’t want it all?  Pick and choose what you do want and save 40% each pack.


Here’s a close look at the packs in the Mega Bundle.


Here’s a close look at the packs in the Art Journal Bundle.


These are all the addon packs that are 40% this week as well!

cap_P2015JunFPcap_P2015JunWAcap_jb_P2015JunQPscap_jene_P2015JunCPcap_jene_P2015JunEPPcap_jene_P2015JunFBTLcap_P2015JunAPAO You can find this Mega Stash Collection at Ginger Scraps, Gotta Pixel, The Digi Chick, and Scrap Stacks.  Since this post is already image heavy, I’ll save the Creative Team inspiration for tomorrow’s post.  Don’t forget that Connie also has some amazing products retiring and you only have one more week to pick up what you want before it’s gone1


Available at Gotta Pixel and Ginger Scraps.

Today’s freebie will bring a smile to anyone’s face that you share it with!  If you are like me you may have missed Teacher Appreciation week last week.  Actually, my students showered me with some sweet cards and gifts but I was a bad teacher mommy and my kids will be taking something to their teachers next week.  I was swamped with concerts and performances for 3 weeks straight and lost my mind. I figured my teacher friends would still love a pick me up on a week where they weren’t already showered with love.  Actually I know that the next two weeks they’ll really appreciate a pick me up as we power on through to the end of the year.  I bet your children’s teachers would appreciate it too!  Check out these amazing hybrid drink labels!  (I bet Lori made these but I’m not 100% sure.)


Download Here

May you have a blessed scraptastic day!!

1 comment:

France said...

adorable freebies!!!!! Thanks!