Saturday, May 9, 2015

GGI Sale at Gotta Pixel

I apologize for the lateness of today’s post.  This was one of those Saturdays where my children were busy all over the area in different events and I was running from the time I woke up until a little while ago.  I couldn’t let today’s post go undone though since the GGI Sale at Gotta Pixel kicked off today!

The song “Almost Paradise” from Footloose ran through my head as soon as I saw Connie’s packs for GGI.  Tell me, what song pops into your head when you see these previews?  These first 8 packs are on sale for $1 each.


These AddOn Packs are available for $1.25 each.


Check out all the Smooth Seas Packs in the Gotta Grab It Sale!


I hope to see some layouts from you in the galleries soon!  I know that many of you have photos that this kit would help you tell the story that goes along with the pictures perfectly!

Also releasing this weekend only at Scrap Stacks is a collection for all the moms out there!  You can check it out HERE.


For all of us template hoarders, Connie released the May 2015 Template Grab Bag yesterday! It’s at all her stores and these templates are just calling your name, can you hear them?


Ginger Scraps
Gotta Pixel
The Digi Chick
Scrap Stacks

I hope you all had a wonderful Saturday and for all you moms out there, I hope you have a blessed Mother’s Day!


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